Today I begin the process of querying agents (again). I showed bits and pieces of my manuscript to one close person. I don’t know if they liked it. They haven’t clearly said anything. I don’t even know why I let them read it. This story I’ve been working on, (and longing to get published) is a journey of a girl who discovers that she has strength despite despair, destruction, and hatred. I think it will work.
My rewriting process is cumbersome, and to be honest, I don’t really have a technique. I’m still trying to figure it out. I still feel timid about my writing style, my writing voice. What is it? I feel like it’s journalistic on approach, and I’m happy that way. I think it works for me.
The mind map I created above helped with motivation. As a visual person, I couldn’t help myself. I needed it, and if anyone doubts that you don’t need visuals, well, they’re lying to you. You need it.
2025 comes with a lot of goals for this book. My book goal is for it to be a serious novel, slightly tragic, yet hopeful, creative, and full of introspection for the reader. That sounds quite lofty, but I know I can do it. Remember: Self doubt is the ultimate enemy to creativity.